Saturday, September 26, 2009

Obesity in pets

We can only use the excuse so much that my dog or cat simply has a lot of fur, he is not overweight. That excuse does not work on a 20 lb cat, or a 15 pound Chihuahua! Just like with humans there are many different reasons behind a pets weight, not all of them can be helped. However some of them can. Our pets are a lot like kids they do not necessarily know when to stop eating, unless we show them. They are not as likely to get up and play or exercise until we do it with them, or at least give them the idea. We all love our pets and want them to be with us forever, the easiest way to make that happen is to watch their weight. Excessive
pet weight gain is very detrimental to their well being and longevity. We at Best Friends offer numerous training programs for you and your pet to join together. Even if you think you dog is smart enough and he does not need any training. NOT TRUE! You can join training programs simply for the socialization and to get out of the house and have some fun. Best Friends also offers Dog Camp. You can drop your four legged friend off with us for the day and he can run around and climb the slides with his new friends to help burn some calories. Perhaps your schedule does not work into our open hours, we also now have a Dog Park you can join. It is open 365 days a year, from 8am to dusk. A great way to let "Fido" run off some steam after dinner. There are many different websites and books out there dedicated to
pets and obesity. Just like in human medicine they all have their opinions on what to do and not to do, but they at least help point you in the right direction.

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