Friday, June 18, 2010

Rally Obedience

This is the blog that coincides with the Rally Obedience Brochure for the free event on  July 10, 2010.  Please pre-register as there will be a limit of 5 to 15 dogs that will be able to try the course.  Should there be too many entries we may add an additional day.   There are generally 3 levels of Rally, Level 1 or Novice, Level 2 or Intermediate, and Level 3 is Advanced. Signs are usually to the handler's right or in front as they approach.  There can be 15- 20 signs in a course. 
Rally Level 1 or Novice 
When the handler and dog get to this sign they should sit, then down then walk around their dog until back in the heel position then move forward to the next sign. Here is an example of Cathi doing the exercise with Lefty.
Here is the sign which leads the team to a serpentine weave.
Here is Cathi with Jazzy demonstrating how to do the serpentine weave. They should enter with the first cone on their left and then weave through the cones and go to the next sign.
Now is a sample of Level 2 or Advanced exercises.The first is a send over jump as the handler runs by.  The handler must stay 6 feet to the side of the jump.
Here comes Sue sending Onslow over the jump. 
The moves get a little more precise as we go on.  Here is the sign for a pivot 180° to the left. The object is for the handler to do the exercise as though they are standing on a pie plate.
Now we have Cathi demonstrating this very cool exercise with Lefty. It starts with a sit and ends with a  sit then off to the next sign in the new direction.                       
Now we have a couple of Level 3 or Excellent Rally Obedience moves. The first is the call to front over the jump then finish right or left by the handlers direction.
Now here comes Cathi with Jazzy doing a very nice exercise. Cathi will sit Jazzy then go to other side of the jump and then call her to the front then the finish is when the dog will either go to the right or the left and end up in the heel position next to the handler.
Here comes a moving stand. The dog stands without first sitting. The handler leaves and stands across from the dog.  The dog is cued to down, then sit, then come and sit in front of the handler. Then the handler can choose to have the dog finish by going into the heel position to the left or the right as instructed.
Now watch Cathi do a very nice demo with her dog Lefty.              
I'd like to give special thanks to Cathi and Sue who brought Jazzy, Lefty and Onslow to give me a hand with the Rally Obedience event and demonstration we'll be giving at 'Lambs Farm Woofstock' on June 19, 2010.  You can view the Rally Course.  We'll be on between 12 noon and 1 pm.  Come and visit or if you like register for the free Rally Obedience clinic we'll be having here at Best Friends on July 10, 2010 at 9a.m. until 11:30 a.m.

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